Permissions Policy for

The purpose of this page is to let you know that Reformation Zion Publishing, LLC d/b/a Reformation Zion Publishing owns the content on this Website, herineafter the “Work” unless otherwise indicated. It is copyrighted by Reformation Zion Publishing, and we claim all legal protections and rights that arise out of the United States Copyright Laws. While we want to protect our intellectual property, we want to encourage others to share our content. So here are some guidelines for doing so.

Without the Permission of Reformation Zion Publishing

You are free to do the following without our permission:

  • Link to our website or any specific post on our website.

  • Extract and re-post up to 1,000 words of our content on any other website, provided you link this content back to our original post and credit the author.

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If you would like to do the following, you must have our express written consent:

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  • Translate an article for another website.


If you would like to use our work in a manner that is not described above, please feel free to contact us using the Contact page. We reserve the right to alter, amend, or revoke these permissions at any time.