Book Reviews

Book Review: Covenant Theology (eds. Waters, Reid, Muether)

This book is worth it alone for the footnotes and references for further study. It is a resource every pastor and student of the Bible should have on his shelf.

Book Review: Beyond Authority and Submission (Miller)

At root, Rachel Green Miller is an egalitarian. While she may affirm that only men can be pastors and give lip service to male headship in the home, she is sowing the seeds of feminism.

Book Review: The Unseen Realm (Heiser)

Michael Heiser’s The Unseen Realm is a book that every serious student of the Bible should take up. This book challenges conventional interpretations of Scripture and provokes the reader to consider a more supernatural view of the world than he likely holds. Hence the subtitle of the book, Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible.