If we reject the radical two kingdoms position and instead seek to apply the Bible to all of life, including the civil sphere, we will be in a much better place.
I am going to suggest in this article that there is actually very good reason to think that ultimately there will be a greater number who find life in Christ than who are cast away.
So a “root of bitterness” is not an attitude, but a person who is presumptuous and flatters themselves in their sin, one who hears the word of God but shrugs it off as inapplicable to him or herself.
Pastors and theologians tend to skip over the many references to giants in the Bible. However, Douglas Van Dorn tackles this subject head on in his book, Giants: Sons of the Gods.
According to modern critical scholars (in the academic sense) of a more liberal bent, the history of Israel as presented in the Old Testament is basically a fiction.